Here's a view of the back cover, which I did not have at the time of my last update here:

As with all these books done through my publisher, the printed price on the cover is the list price only. The selling price on Amazon and other online retailers will be significantly lower. It's currently listed on Amazon for $11.26, but I expect that price to go lower upon release, but final selling price is up to Amazon. The Kindle Edition will also be available at the time of the print release and should be under $10.
I want to thank all the readers of this blog and especially those of you who have purchased and enjoyed The Pulse and The Darkness After, making it possible for me to continue exploring the concepts presented here on Bug Out Survival through works of fiction. I think fiction can in many ways be more thought-provoking than nonfiction when it comes to considering just what one might do in the event of a catastrophic disaster like the solar flare scenario explored in these novels. I try to make the stories as realistic as possible, but at the same time, the goal is to entertain more so than to teach. I look forward to continuing these stories as well as beginning new ones. More to come soon with the announcement of the next project...
Thank you for the update - and you are welcome